bird watching valencia spain, the Short-toed eagle

Short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus) – size 24 –25 inches, wingspan 66 – 73 inches

bird watching valencia spain, Short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus)A good ´catch´ when bird watching Valencia Spain! The Short toed eagel is a beautiful and large bird of prey 24 –25 inches. It has a  wingspan of 66 – 73 inches. Colours vary widely but typically the bird has a distinctive dark head and breast and light-colored wings, observed alone or in pairs, living in open, flat and hilly mountainous landscapes. It hunts for reptiles up sun-lit southern slopes, searching for reptiles by flying and hovering with hanging legs and his head down. If prey is unavailable in autumn, short-toed eagles migrate south, spending the winter months south of the Sahara. In the Costa Blanca area the bird can be seen in the summer and during the migration period. Have a look at the page birding sites for a selection beautiful birding sites in this area.